VSH Map Suggestion Thread

two of the maps in the map pool currently have been updated recently, and the server is running outdated versions of them.

  • RPS now deals x5 damage you dealt this round, instead of always killing Hale.
  • Added Brave Jump Cooldown (3 seconds).
  • Firing Eye Lasers blocks Charge, slows you down and reduce Brave Jump's force while active.
  • Eye Lasers no longer provide 50% damage resistance.
  • Replace the Sapper's Mark for Death with slowing Hale down and weakening his Brave Jump.
  • Changed Hale's Health Formula beyond 23 mercs (thanks Megascatterbomb).
  • Minor bugfixes, code optimizations and improvements.

  • Fixed Perch spot and Misalinged camera sprite
  • Edited some detailing
out of all the suggestions that i've taken a look at so far in this thread (Granary Storm, Hailstone Halls, Maul, Outlook, Prison, Stellar, Turbine, and Visceral) while most of them (Hailstone Halls, Maul, Outlook, Stellar and Visceral) look good, i don't think Prison, Turbine, and Visceral will play well for vscript VSH.

Visceral's artpass is unique and neat, but the map somehow feels smaller than tinyrock despite it not actually being smaller than tinyrock. there's also a few funny perch spots, but otherwise it feels too small. there's one full health kit, but it's over a pit that instantly kills REDs who fall in it and does a decent chunk of damage to hale, so the only thing i'd be worried about is RED camping that area.

Prison won't feel good to play on because there's barely any healthkits or ammopacks on the map (a similar issue is present with Hightower and Harvest.) and most of hale's time will be spent looking for the last 3 people due to the layout being a little complex.

Turbine is a bad april fools' joke map. the absolute bare-minimum was done with this. no changes were made to make sure hale could fit in the vents.

and what about the maps i think could be added:
Hailstone Halls is just Tinyrock, but with a different artpass and some layout changes. there's a river of cold water that damages you for being in it. the caves have been changed and now sport 2 small health kits in the upper areas. there's also 2 spots that RED can go into where the only way for hale to reach them is to crouch. it might work as a seasonal replacement for tinyrock during december.
Granary Storm uses arena_granary's layout as a base, which means the map is really small. and features a gimmick: every now and then a storm comes in, making the fog thicker and limiting both red and hale's visibility. the main issue with this is that RED can still easily see hale because of hale's particles, Hale can also easily see the last 3 REDs because the minicrit aura shows up through the fog. also over (roughly) 75% of the floor is covered in water.

Maul's layout looks to be alright, and there's enough healthkits and ammopacks on the map to make sure that engineer isn't just screwed if he builds a sentry because there's only small ammo packs/no ammo packs. the only real issue i could see is hales trying to superjump out of the water, because the water will eat your superjump momentum if you're swimming.

Outlook has plenty of healthkits and ammopacks, the layout is also good (but i think it screws over sniper the most out of the 9 classes) and there's a decent amount of vertically to the map. hale also sports a new model on this map, giving him a winter jacket, complete with gloves and some pants.

Stellar has a lot of small kits and packs, but it also features a (very small) amount of medium kits and packs that are more out of the way, the layout seems decent enough from the testing that i did that nearly all the classes can play the game here. (sniper gets screwed over here as well because there's aren't that many long-range sightlines in this map)

TL;DR: the only maps i can vouch for right now are:
Granary Storm https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3012778786
Hailstone Halls https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3079053718
Maul https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3069796653
Outlook https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3066802820
Stellar https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3024840820

there's also a map i'd like to suggest to be run during october:
Hell of a Mann https://tf2maps.net/downloads/hell-of-a-mann.15885/
this time the mercs are on BLU and hale is on RED. hale also sports a new model for this map, having a more "demonic" look. gimmicks for the map include "Healing water" and Lava. the healing water heals you when you're in it as the mercs (it does nothing if hale stands in it) and the lava burns you if you're a merc, it does nothing against hale.
@admins I'd look into adding more maps, Whurr gave off some good feedback of the maps I suggested. Reasoning is I think the servers are well overdo for a refresh on the map pool!!
We're sorry to tell you this, but we have to stick with the official maps from now on because some people may have problems downloading custom maps.